Raised in a natural environment
Between extensive oak forests, in the heart of the pastures, the Iberian pig is raised in freedom, an ideal environment for its fattening since it feeds on grasses and acorns in a natural way, obtaining the best nutritional characteristics.
When grazing in freedom pigs eat high amounts of acorns, herbs and wild fruits that influence the taste of their meat, making it unique. In this habitat the pig is carrying out continuous physical exercise developing its muscles and the necessary fat that differentiates it from others.
Unique taste: exquisite and quality meat.
100% Natural: they feed on the natural resources from the meadows, as a result they turn out to be healthier.
High traceability: we control the entire process from birth.

+34 654 947 878
Dirección de la Sala: Polígono Industrial Cárnico S/N 14440 Villanueva de Córdoba.
Dirección Fiscal: Distribuidora Jarota de Carnes S.L. Calle Ronda San José Nº4, Planta 2, Puerta 3.